
Sunday, May 18, 2014

You can tell it's planting season when...

Every once in a while I see the lists people put together around being married to farmers. Honestly, I mainly see them because Vachel shows them to me. So I decided to do my own around planting season. The same may be said for Harvest as well, but as it's not yet Harvest I haven't really put a ton of thought into that one.

  1. The answer to any attempt at making plans is, "Sure...if it rains." This is usually followed by me saying, "It's an outdoor event. If it's raining I don't want to go."
  2. You start to make plans every weekend that include things you can take the kids to, and at some point have to remind yourself to invite your husband again because you get so used to running solo + 2. Speaking of this, the kids and I had a surprisingly good time at the Des Moines Farmer's Market last weekend. G loved it, and V loves any time she gets to hang out in the Baby Bjorn. Success!
  3. You start to make plans with friends based on the weather report for the week. Example, "It looks like Thursday it's supposed to rain with possibilities of hail and severe weather. Can you watch the kids so I can go out to dinner with some friends?" 
  4. You look outside to see your weed garden and try to calculate how bad it will be before he can watch the kids so you can go at it with a machete and back-hoe.
    You thought I was kidding about the weed garden.
  5. Family Fun Night (Wednesday) is the best night of the week. I don't have to cook and we get ice cream sundaes. 
    Vachel and G making dinner for Family Fun Night.
  6. You get to play chicken with tractors and planters driving down the gravel road. And when I say "play chicken," I mean pull over as far as possible to allow them the room they need. Let's be real people: car vs. giant tractor, car loses and people get hurt. Don't be a jackass. 
  7. During severe weather alerts everyone runs around trying to put all of the trucks in whatever covered place they can. Why can't they use the garage? Because that's where the seed is.
  8. While in the car together you have to turn the radio to NPR specifically to hear the crop report and % complete. And then listen to mutterings about where they are in comparison. He might actually be talking to me at this point instead of muttering to himself, but I don't really have a lot to add to the conversation so I may not be paying much attention. I imagine it's what he feels like when I talk about...never mind, I can't imagine what he feels like. Everything that comes out of my mouth is pure gold. 
  9. You feel the need to buy all of your single-parent friends flowers and chocolates, because having to be the one responsible for kids all the time and still manage not to be a zombie at work is exhausting.
  10. Sometimes you get tired of the whole working/taking care of kids/cooking/cleaning thing so you do stuff to cut corners. Such as not do any dishes for two days (with the exception of the bottles that need to be washed for day care) knowing that it will drive him crazy enough that when he comes in late at night he'll eventually just wash them all. Oh, is that just me?

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