
About Me

Welcome to Working Farming Mommy!

I started this blog as an opportunity to write about life as a working mom of two beautiful little girls and a couple of dogs living in the middle of a cattle and row crop farm. I also have a full time job doing Very Important Stuff for a Fortune 500 company. The combination of the three (full time job, farming and parenthood) often present some unique stories to share. Like the time I was at home by myself mowing the lawn and the cattle got out. I tried to round them up on the riding lawn mower but was hugely unsuccessful. If you ever want to see a cow look at you like you're ridiculous, try chasing it on a riding lawn mower.

I met my husband, Vachel, in 2001 and traded in my city-life to move out to the farm in 2004, where my husband is a fourth-generation farmer. Although my maternal grandparents farmed and I have lots of memories of running around their place when we visited, I did not grow up in a farming environment. Moving out here was quite the adjustment. We do primarily cattle back-grounding of over 1000 animals a year, and also plant corn and hay.

Our first daughter, G, was born in 2011 and V came along in 2013. In addition to farming, my husband also works full time at a large agriculture company in Des Moines and is an active member of Iowa Corn Growers and the U.S. Grains Council.

In addition to working and hanging out with the Littles, I also enjoy reading, gardening, and travel. I have a second blog dedicated to detailing life on the farm, and education about various agriculture activities/practices at

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