
Saturday, April 5, 2014

Pirates, Princess, Superhero and Queen!

I pre-ordered Frozen from Amazon and had it delivered to my house the day it came out. I had wanted to see it in the theaters, but V came three weeks early and after that going to the movies didn't even cross my mind for quite a while. I'm a huge Disney fan, and I figured any cast that included characters from Glee...I mean, Broadway...ah-hem...had to be good. I was super excited when I saw the UPS truck pull up that Tuesday (I was working from home), but then realized I should probably wait until G got home before I watched it. So I waited. And waited. And waited. I waited at least 4 hours. Maybe 5. The wait was worth it. I've never seen G so entranced with a movie before, and she danced all around our living room to Idina Menzel's "Let It Go" in the end credits. I danced with her. We rocked that song.

Since that fateful day I've probably seen Frozen, or pieces of it, at least 20 times. I don't regret any of it, I still love that movie. Vachel, however, has seen maybe 10 minutes worth.

Cut to a few nights ago. After bath time, Vachel helped G tie her blanket around her neck like a cape and she was running back and forth across our bedroom.She and I had done this before, although my blanket-to-cape-knot-tying skills aren't quite as good as Vachel's.We had been Superheroes. We ran back and forth from my bed, down the hall to the bathroom, turned around and came back, yelling, "Superheroes to the rescue!" and then I would pick her up to fly around the room, tossing her on the bed, before starting the process over. However this night was a little different.

G was once again running around the room, cape flying behind her, yelling and jumping. Vachel stood in the entryway watching her, hope in his eyes, turned to me and said, "Do you think she'd want to watch the original Superman with Christopher Reeves?"

I looked at him and said, "Um...sure...why?"

"Because I used to run around with that blanket (yes, it's the exact same blanket) as a cape pretending to be a superhero, and I think the original Superman won't give her nightmares."

"Vachel, I don't have a problem with that movie...but are you listening to what she's saying?"

Vachel and I turn to watch G, as she continues to run around our room yelling, "I'm a Queen! Ice! (stomp foot, twirl cape, stomp foot) Ice!" The hope in his eyes died a little. This didn't stop him from watching Superman with her though, and she liked that as well. Just not as much as Frozen.

I try not to pass judgement on other parents too often, because this shit is hard and most people just try to do the best they can. However the "Princess Debate" baffles me. In my opinion, if your kid is using their imagination, playing, and not hurting anyone--who cares if it's a Princess or Superhero? My favorite is actually when we play Pirates, because I can just sit on the couch holding the baby and yell, "Arr! I'm Captain Hook!" every once in a while. I get dizzy when we play Princess because I'm usually Prince Charming and I have to twirl her around dancing. Really, I just can't wait till V is old enough to play and then G can boss her around instead.

We can play Pirates, or Princesses, or Superheros...none of those individually are going to have that much of an impact on her development. What really matters is that Vachel and I, and those around her, play with her. That each of us makes sure not to just spend time with her,  but help foster her imagination. Even if we have to spend hours drinking from imaginary tea cups, or crouched under a blanket with her to hide from the lions. However we won't be playing Queen anymore. That's my role, and it's not pretend play. ;)
Starting early--G helping V play tea party

G in her Princess Dress and wand

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